Financial Services

Details about Financial Services

The United Partners Company for Financial Consultations for Non-Securities has multiple and extended experiences in the field of providing financial and accounting services tits clients in the financial sector, banking sector and investment sector inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the company has a distinguished team of consultants specialized in advisory services within a full range of related services.

Our consultants provide practical and comprehensive advice on all aspects of financial and accounting transactions, including structuring, negotiation and documentation procedures.

The United Partners Company for Financial Consultations for Non-Securities has multiple and extended experiences in the field of providing financial and accounting services tits clients in the financial sector, banking sector and investment sector inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the company has a distinguished team of consultants specialized in advisory services within a full range of related services.

Our consultants provide practical and comprehensive advice on all aspects of financial and accounting transactions, including structuring, negotiation and documentation procedures.
• Banking services:

  • We review and discuss all banking services, such as letters of credit of all kinds, letters of guarantee, pricing of Islamic loans (Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharakah).

Financial projections:

  • Financial forecasts are a necessity in order tmanage the business effectively treach profitability. Our consultants help the establishment reach the planned financial goals.

Cash flow planning:

  • Firms can be profitable and yet descend intproblems because of cash flows.
  • We dthe flows and assessment of the financial position of the facility, the requirements of financial expectations and follow-up sources and uses of cash flows.
  • • Beginning of business activity:
    • When you decide tstart a new activity, we will provide you with preliminary analyzes that will help you
    • Decide whether or not tstart without investing a lot of time and effort.

Marketing research:

  • We conduct a study tprovide you with preliminary indications when there is a possibility tmarket the idea or product using the following resources:
    •  Our available database for a number of industries in the Middle East.
    •  Information available from published data sources.
    •  Available resources from the information network.
    •  Our brief report will give you an indication of whether the business idea is viable.

Before the feasibility study:

  • In addition tthe research, we will dwhat is called a pre-feasibility study, which provides you with an initial indication of whether the idea of activity is financially feasible.
  • Unlike feasibility studies, the pre-feasibility study is a study based on a high-level database and financial profitability assumptions are not detailed, but we provide evidence that helps in decision-making and study in the pre-feasibility study that is derived from:
  • Discussions with you and your relevant team regarding:
  • (Marketing conditions, expected market share, similar investments).
  • Expectations regarding market growth.
  • Forecasts regarding financial assumptions.
  • Expectations of return on investment.

Formation of companies:

  • After making the decision tstart the project, we provide information regarding the available options for formulating and forming the company (limited liability company - partnerships, closed or open joint stock companies ... etc.) and the advantages and disadvantages of each type tfacilitate decision-making.
  • With the help of our legal partners, we assist you in drafting the articles of association of the company and finalizing the procedures and registration with the Ministry of Commerce.

Business growth:

  • If you are a business owner and plan tdevelop during or:
  • Expansion of the current activity.
  • Starting a new activity or
  • Developing the profitability of current activities.

We can help you with the following:

  • Detailed marketing questionnaire:
  • We da detailed marketing questionnaire on your behalf in order tdetermine whether your product or service has reached the desired goals, and this questionnaire is designed at the lowest costs tprovide you with the following:
    • A- An open questionnaire that provides you with customer opinions related tyour product and service.
    • B- A special questionnaire that provides you with an interim evaluation of the product and service.
    • C- Competitive analyzes based on information gleaned from customers' opinions regarding the competition of your product or service.
  • Resolution.

Financial Models:

  • The company helps in developing complex financial models that allow you tchoose typical solutions for organizing revenues. Financial models may be used for several reasons:
  • Determine the balance of non-independent variables.
  • Determine the optimal use of limited resources.
  • Determination of financial viability, break-even analytics, rate of return on investment, net present value, ...etc.
  • Accounting Analytics.

Economic Feasibility Studies:

  • We prepare detailed economic feasibility studies based on the market study, technical studies, and financial studies, which together provide you with sufficient analyzes thelp you make a decision. The economic feasibility study will include an integrated understanding of your product or service, the level of competition, the impact on the business environment, and the assessment of risks and rewards.

Business rationalization:

  • Companies that have reached advanced stages of work and wish texpand can benefit from our services as follows:
  • Ensure the accuracy of the data Due Diligence Cnce
  • In the event that you want taudit the business for the purpose of buying a share, we verify the accuracy of the data given on your behalf, and our analysts will show you the points that may be of interest tyou as a result of this containment.
  • Ensuring the accuracy of the data, whether on the commercial or financial level, will provide you with sufficient information tmake the decision tpurchase the share first.


  • We have competencies with technical experience in evaluation work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. Before making a decision tpurchase any existing work, it is necessary tevaluate that work in order tdetermine the appropriate price for purchase. We carry out the evaluation process based on the following:
    • Net Asset Value Basis.
    • Basis of return and profitability.
    • Market speculative rate basis.
    • In all cases, we will use internationally approved evaluation methods from international evaluation institutions

Computer Systems:

  • Whether you are planning tadd new computer systems or add an internal network, our experts will assist you in making difficult decisions when designing computer systems suitable for the activity of the facility.
  • Pension and benefits plans for employees